What a year!

What a year!
Spring 2013

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

It has been AMAZING!!

Wow, it has hard to believe that we have only been in the US for two weeks, so much has happened.  We are currently staying with Mark's sister and her family.  Our first Friday back we went to watch my nephew play baseball, followed by that we went out for pizza with my sister, her husband and Mark's sister as well.  We had a great time catching up. 

Our first Sunday fellowshipping at Calvary San Ramon was amazing for me.   Two things happened to me that had me praising the Lord when I left.  One, when I left Kosovo I had a silent prayer request.  I was praying that God would give me the opportunity to attend a ladies retreat.  Before the service got started the pastor briefly mentioned something about a ladies get away.  After the service I inquired about it and it turns out that the ladies from the church were going to attend a retreat hosted by Calvary Chapel Laguna Creek in the Santa Cruz mountain.  My friend Sherri Youngward was leading worship and I was invited to come along with the ladies. 

The second amazing thing that happened at church that day was a man came up to us and said I would like to know if the cancer drugs you are currently on are the drug that my company makes.  We told him the drugs that I am on and it turns out that his company does make them.  He went on to say that one of the drugs I am currently taking is known in cancer industry as the "miracle" cancer drug.  He also told us that if any thing ever happens with our insurance and them not covering me that he could get me the drugs for free.  How amazing is that!  We met him for dinner and he went on to tell me how good the success rate is of the treatment I am on. 

Last week we got in some good baseball, we went to my nephew's high school baseball game and the Lord blessed us with tickets to go see the Angel's play the A's.  The Angel's lost but it was still fun to get out to the game.  While I was at the ladies retreat Mark took Isabella to see the Angel's play the Giants.  They had a fun daddy/Isabella date.

This past weekend I attended the ladies retreat.  I had an AMAZING time!  The theme of the retreat was "Upon the Waters" Gina Chaffin was the speaker.   The subject really hit home for me as Gina talked a lot about Jesus walking with us during the storms of life.  I felt like the messages she shared pertained to me and what I went through last year.  Saturday evening there were a group of ladies on a panel answering questions.  One lady on the panel shared a little bit of her story on how her son was diagnosed with stage four cancer.  As she was sharing the Lord was showing me that I needed to talk with this lady before the retreat was over. I felt that I needed to tell her, that her son loves her and that he fought cancer for her. When she shared, she did not share the outcome of his situation.  However she did tell me that he is now tumor free, he had tumors all over his body.   That Saturday evening after the session was over I was too tired to talk.  On Sunday the Lord gave me an opportunity to speak with her.  We both had a good heart to heart talk and we both shed tears.  It was good for me to talk with her to understand what my mom may have gone through as I was battling cancer and I think the talk was good for my new friend as well, I think it helped her to have a better understanding of some of the things her son went through.

We ended our weekend by visiting some good friends from Mark's College and career days at Calvary Costa Mesa.  We had an amazing Mexican meal.  Mark also had the opportunity to teach on Sunday at Calvary Chapel San Ramon.

This Saturday I will be attending a one day ladies conference at Calvary the Rock in Santa Rosa.  I am looking forward to hearing  Gisela Yohannan and Inga-Lill Guzik speak.

Tomorrow we will be taking Isabella to the  Chabot Space & Science Center in Oakland.  We are looking forward to a fun day studying space. 

Monday I will be having my immunotherapy treatment.   Please be in prayer for that. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the GREAT post Celeste. I felt like I was right there with you guys. God is using you and Mark in so many ways.So delighted also, that you are getting to hang out with friends and family. I love you, nanc.
